
Movie or TV Series Plot


Jeffrey is fascinated by the criminal events in his town and decides to investigate them himself. The clues lead to a local singer, Dorothy, who eventually messes up Jeffrey's own life.

29.7.2023Fatabuna found address of the filming location Small town of the Movie Blue Velvet.
29.7.2023Fatabuna found address of the filming location The Williams house of the Movie Blue Velvet.
29.7.2023Fatabuna found address of the filming location Repair shop of the Movie Blue Velvet.
29.7.2023Fatabuna found address of the filming location Downtown of the Movie Blue Velvet.
29.7.2023Fatabuna found address of the filming location In front of a house of the Movie Blue Velvet.
29.7.2023Fatabuna found address of the filming location Crime scene of the Movie Blue Velvet.
29.7.2023Fatabuna found address of the filming location School of the Movie Blue Velvet.
29.7.2023Fatabuna found address of the filming location Café of the Movie Blue Velvet.
5.1.2023Banatova inserted filming location School of the Movie Blue Velvet.
5.1.2023Banatova inserted filming location In front of a house of the Movie Blue Velvet.
5.1.2023Banatova inserted filming location Club of the Movie Blue Velvet.
5.1.2023Banatova inserted filming location Crime scene of the Movie Blue Velvet.
5.1.2023Banatova inserted filming location The Williams house of the Movie Blue Velvet.
5.1.2023Banatova inserted filming location Repair shop of the Movie Blue Velvet.
5.1.2023Banatova inserted filming location Café of the Movie Blue Velvet.
5.1.2023Banatova inserted filming location Downtown of the Movie Blue Velvet.
5.1.2023Banatova inserted filming location Small town of the Movie Blue Velvet.
8.12.2022Banatova inserted new Movie Blue Velvet.

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