
Movie or TV Series Plot


Joan of Arc is a young and very religious girl living in a small village in Loraine. One day her village is attacked by an English troop who slaughter all the inhabitants. Her beloved sister is killed and raped in front of her eyes. As she grows older, between her trauma, her deep hatred of English men, her imagination, her faith and love for God, she is subject to certain vision convincing her that God is ordering her to free the French Kingdom from the English occupation and to have Charles VII sacred king of France in the Cathedral of Reims. Her determination to achieve her goal convinces the lords vassals of the French king to gather an army and chase English out of the French territory. Unfortunately, after an outstanding victory, the French Crown, embarrassed by such a heroic figure decides to sell her the English, where she will be tried for witchcraft and burned alive.

14.5.2019Mrmojo inserted storyline of the TV Series The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc.
14.5.2019Mrmojo inserted storyline of the TV Series The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc.

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