
Movie or TV Series Plot


After the death of his father, Charlie Babbitt (Tom Cruise) learns that his father’s fortune is left to his brother Raymond (Dustin Hoffman).

Charlie is surprised to learn that he even has a brother and sets out to meet him and get a share of their father’s fortune. Charlie flies across country to the institution where his brother resides. Once there, he learns his brother is Autistic and has a specific way of conducting his everyday life.

Charlie, learning the money is going to Raymond’s institution, decides to take him out and return with him to Los Angeles.

The beginning of their journey starts with the Raymond's screams, who refuses to fly. Unfortunately, Charlie has to drive all the way back to Los Angeles. The only problem is Charlie has a major business deal to complete, before he runs out of time.

15.6.2019Editor approved the filming location St. Anne Retreat center of the Movie Rain Man.
15.6.2019Editor approved real photo of the filming location St. Anne Retreat center of the Movie Rain Man.
13.6.2019granadillo84 inserted real photo of the filming location St. Anne Retreat center of the Movie Rain Man.
13.6.2019granadillo84 found address of the filming location St. Anne Retreat center of the Movie Rain Man.
13.6.2019granadillo84 inserted filming location St. Anne Retreat center of the Movie Rain Man.
23.7.2018georgecuthbert inserted real photo of the filming location Casino of the Movie Rain Man.
21.1.2014renegypsy inserted storyline of the Movie Rain Man.

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