
Movie or TV Series Plot


In Dallas, Texas there is a long-standing feud between two powerful families; the oil conglomerate Ewings, and the cattle ranching Barneses.

The feud started in earlier times when the Ewing and Barnes patriarchs were partners on a land deal for oil, until the Ewings swindled the Barneses out of their share.

Following in the footsteps of their forefathers, the Ewings want to take even more, including the land owned by the Barneses.

The families’ long-standing feud affects every family member, including the younger generation.

A precarious situation develops from the beginning, when Pamela Barnes (Victoria Principal) and Bobby Ewing (Patrick Duffy) come home to the Ewing estate, just after marrying.

One of the most cut-throat family members, JR Ewing (Larry Hagman) is the brother of Bobby. JR refuses to accept the marriage and tirelessly tries to break the bond between Bobby and his wife. JR only sees the marriage as a threat to his family’s wealth and well-being.

The Ewings' greed drives them to do unscrupulous acts, while continuing the lifelong feud between the rival families.

22.6.2020Dj Vi.L inserted real photo of the filming location New SouthFork of the Movie Dallas.
17.1.2014renegypsy inserted storyline of the Movie Dallas.

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