
Movie or TV Series Plot


Henry Hill (Ray Liotta) has dreams of being a gangster, and in 1955 despite his father’s urges not to, he quits school and begins working for the Lucchese gangsters in Brooklyn.

Henry works hard for the gangsters and quickly gains the attention of mob boss, Paulie (Paul Sorvino) and his two employees--Jimmy (Robert De Niro) and Tommy DeVito (Joe Pesci). He works a major job for them--the Air France Robbery--and now he’s truly one of them. Their lifestyle has its perks--full of money, women, and debauchery. Soon, Henry meets Karen (Lorrain Bracco) who’s fascinated by his lifestyle and the two marry.

A string of murders and cover-ups leads to Henry’s arrest. In prison, Henry begins to sell drugs for money and gets deeply involved in the drug industry. The job is not as easy as it was in the past—countless missteps, frequent murders, and complicated family ties makes each move more and more complicated. As Henry continues to back himself into a corner with his many dealings, he struggles with the lifestyle he’s chosen. Will his gangster life be the end of him or can he find a way out of all the webs he’s woven?

15.8.2022gon2000fr inserted real photo of the filming location Airline Diner of the Movie Goodfellas.
23.7.2019Mrmojo inserted storyline of the Movie Goodfellas.
3.2.2014Jessica2014 inserted storyline of the Movie Goodfellas.

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