
Movie or TV Series Plot


Lucas just left the jail and want to live normal life. But he is taken hostage by a robber and the jail is very close again.


Jean Lucas is a former bank robber who was just released from jail and had decided to become an honest citizen. But as he is queuing to deposit a cheque, he is taken hostage by François Pignon, a very clumsy man, visibly unexperienced in the art of robbing a bank. Yet the police commissioner, who knows Lucas, is of course convinced that he is the actual robber. As they manage to escape, Pignon unintentionally shoots Lucas in the leg. François takes his hostage to a vet, friend of his, to be cured. This where Lucas realizes that Pignon decided to undertake the robbery in order to pay for his daughter's treatment to avoid having her taken by public authorities. Lucas, full of compassion decides to help his new friend to leave the country against a promise not to be blamed for the robbery.

6.12.2024Steev inserted real photo of the filming location In front of police of the Movie Fugitives.
22.7.2020allec found address of the filming location Lucas's leaving the jail of the Movie Fugitives.
22.7.2020allec inserted real photo of the filming location Lucas's leaving the jail of the Movie Fugitives.
13.5.2019Mrmojo inserted storyline of the Movie Fugitives.
13.5.2019Mrmojo inserted storyline of the Movie Fugitives.

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