
Movie or TV Series Plot


Captain Solomon Kane (James Purefoy) is an extremely powerful 16th century assassin. Armed with pistols, machetes and rapiers, he and his men defend the honour of the English kingdom and slay bloodthirsty battles on every continent. We meet him as he makes his bloody way through hordes of adversaries in an exotic city in North Africa. But when he and his cronies decide to capture a mysterious castle, their journey takes an unexpected turn. One by one, his men are dispatched by demonic monsters until Kane is left alone. He faces the minion of the Devil himself (Ian Whyte), who has emerged from the depths of hell to atone for his hopelessly corrupt soul. While Kane manages to escape his clutches, it is more than clear to him that he can only save himself if he renounces violence and dedicates the rest of his life to peace and tranquility....

20.12.2020zmijovkar inserted real photo of the filming location Old Castle of the Movie Solomon Kane.
10.5.2018Editor approved the filming location Walls of the Movie Solomon Kane.
10.5.2018Editor approved the filming location Castle courtyard of the Movie Solomon Kane.
10.5.2018Editor approved the filming location Walls of the Movie Solomon Kane.
10.5.2018Editor approved the filming location The cross of the Movie Solomon Kane.
10.5.2018Editor approved the filming location Old Castle of the Movie Solomon Kane.
10.5.2018Editor approved the filming location Leaving the castle of the Movie Solomon Kane.
10.5.2018Editor approved the Movie Solomon Kane.

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