
Movie or TV Series Plot


Philippa Paccard (Cate Blanchett), a British schoolteacher living in Turin, Italy, pleads in vain for justice in her husband's tragic death. With the local police ignoring her accusations, she decides to take justice into her own hands and uses a homemade bomb to take out drug dealer Vendice. She then gets herself arrested. It is only in custody that she learns that four completely innocent people died instead of the man responsible for her husband's death. However, a young court interpreter, Filippo (Giovanni Ribisi), falls in love with the desperate young woman about to be tried for the terrorist attack and helps her escape. But how long can the pair, related by name and bound by a fatalistic emotional bond, escape justice?

20.3.2024Akrim found address of the filming location Filippo's home of the Movie Heaven.
20.3.2024Akrim found address of the filming location The Street of the Movie Heaven.
10.2.2024Akrim found address of the filming location A church in Montepulciano of the Movie Heaven.
10.2.2024Akrim found address of the filming location Square with a well of the Movie Heaven.
5.7.2020KisMukk inserted filming location Old Town of the Movie Heaven.
5.7.2020KisMukk inserted new Movie Heaven.

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