

Movie or TV Series Plot


In the 1960s, an affluent family takes a vacation at a resort where the intelligent and go-getter daughter, Baby (Jennifer Grey) is fascinated by the resort’s dance crew. She is particularly interested in the bad-boy style of Johnny (Patrick Swayze), the head dance instructor.

There are strict rules about the dancers not dating the guests, but only showing them a good time.

Unfortunately, trouble brews when the lead female dancer, Penny (Cynthia Rhodes) gets pregnant and cannot dance in the summer’s competition. Baby, the forever optimistic, volunteers to take Penny’s place.

Johnny is a strong dancer and has a short amount of time to teach Baby how to dance for the upcoming competition.

During their dance lessons, they start a forbidden romance. Shortly after, trouble follows them as they try to secretly stay together.


Sheltered seventeen-year old, Baby (Jennifer Grey) is set to spend her summer vacation as she always does--with her parents at a fancy resort.

All goes according to plan until she meets Johnny Castle (Patrick Swayze)--the resort’s lead dance instructor--and Baby quickly develops a crush. The two are from different worlds--Johnny must work day in and day out to make ends meet, while Baby has had everything handed to her by her affluent parents. Despite their differences, Baby becomes fascinated by Johnny and the other resort dancers’ after-hours “dirty dancing.” Johnny gives her a dance lesson and the two form an instant connection.

Baby steps in to help one of the other female dancers, Penny, and agrees to serve as Penny’s replacement in an upcoming dance performance. It will be a struggle to teach Baby the routine in time, but Johnny is up for the task.

As the two practice the dance routine each day, Baby and Johnny begin to fall in love, but their different backgrounds and Penny’s disapproving parents threaten their blossoming relationship. Will they end the summer together, or will they learn their two worlds are just too different?

3.2.2014Jessica2014 inserted storyline of the Movie Dirty Dancing.
18.1.2014renegypsy inserted storyline of the Movie Dirty Dancing.

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