Actor or Director Profile
Alan Badel
Detailed Movie List
Force 10 from Navarone
Release Date and Country: 1978, United Kingdom
Director: Guy Hamilton
Cast: Robert Shaw, Harrison Ford, Barbara Bach...
Movie or TV Series Plot: In 1961, the famous war film The Guns of Navarone was made, telling the story of the courageous action of a small unit that destroyed the dangerous guns on the island of Navarone. Seventeen years late...
The Day of the Jackal
Release Date and Country: 1973, United Kingdom, France
Director: Fred Zinnemann
Cast: Edward Fox, Michel Auclair, Alan Badel...
Movie or TV Series Plot: After their fail attempt to assassinate president Charles de Gaulle in 1963, the French underground organization, OAS, hires a professional hitman to get rid of the French president. No face, no ident...
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Akrim found address of the filming location Roadtrip of the Movie At Eternity's Gate.
Akrim found address of the filming location Brother's house of the Movie At Eternity's Gate.
Akrim found address of the filming location Outside of the Movie At Eternity's Gate.
Akrim found address of the filming location Chapel of the Movie At Eternity's Gate.
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