Actor or Director Profile
Joel Kinnaman
Detailed Movie List
Child 44
Release Date and Country: 2015, United States, Czechia, United Kingdom,...
Director: Daniel Espinosa
Cast: Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman, Noomi Rapace...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Lev Demidov is a war hero, his conscientious work for the Soviet secret police secured him a position, a good home for himself and his parents, and a beautiful wife. But no one can be sure of anything...
Release Date and Country: 2014, United States
Director: José Padilha
Cast: Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Michael Keaton...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Alex Murphy is a determined cop who gets revenge on the local mob with a car bomb. Alex becomes the ideal candidate for a special humanoid, created by Dr. Dennett Norton of multi-millionaire Raymond S...
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