Actor or Director Profile
Saro Urzì
Detailed Movie List
The Godfather
Release Date and Country: 1972, United States
Director: Francis Ford Coppola
Cast: Al Pacino, Marlon Brando, James Caan...
Movie or TV Series Plot: The Godfather is a Crime Drama that revolves around the Corleone family, and the organized crime world that they inhabit. The film opens up on the wedding of Don Vito's daughter, and from there chroni...
The Sucker
Release Date and Country: 1965, France, Italy
Director: Gérard Oury
Cast: Louis de Funes, Venantino Venantini, José Luis de Villalonga...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Antoine Marechal (André Bourvil) is trusting good guy who accidentally collides with a gangster Saroyan (Louis de Funes). As forgiveness offers Saroyan to Antonie paid trip by Cadillac of his American...
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