Actor or Director Profile

Nathan George
Detailed Movie List
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Release Date and Country: 1975, United States
Director: Miloš Forman
Cast: Jack Nicholson, Louise Fletcher, Sydney Lassick...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Randle P. McMurphy is sent to a psychiatric hospital to be evaluated to determine if his mental level is below average. In reality, however, McMurphy is merely a shrewd con man who penetrates the oppr...
Release Date and Country: 1973, United States
Director: Sidney Lumet
Cast: Al Pacino, John Randolph, Biff McGuire...
Movie or TV Series Plot: In the 1970s, it was quite common in New York City for police officers to be bribed, or outright extorted, for perceived protection. But for the system to work, everyone has to pull together. Everybod...
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