Actor or Director Profile
Melissa George
Detailed Movie List
Release Date and Country: 2006, United States
Director: John Stockwell
Cast: Josh Duhamel, Melissa George, Desmond Askew...
Movie or TV Series Plot: A group of adventurers are left stranded in a Brazilian town near the beach after a horrific bus accident. While they wait for help to arrive, they decide to go to a local bar and at least have a part...
Mulholland Drive
Release Date and Country: 2001, United States, France
Director: David Lynch
Cast: Naomi Watts, Laura Harring, Ann Miller...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Betty arrives in LA dreaming of becoming a famous actress. At her aunt's house, she meets a strange woman called Rita who in fact doesn't remember anything. That is why those two women set out to find...
Release Date and Country: 1994, United States
Director: Gary Halvorson, Kevin Bright, Michael Lembeck,...
Cast: Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow...
Movie or TV Series Plot: In New York City a group of young professionals are friends, family, and roommates. Monica (Courtney Cox) is a neurotic clean freak and the sister to nerdy paleontologist, Ross (David Schwimmer). Mon...
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