Actor or Director Profile
Petr Janiš
Detailed Movie List
Release Date and Country: 2005, United States
Director: Eli Roth
Cast: Jay Hernandez, Derek Richardson, Eythor Gudjonsson...
Movie or TV Series Plot: "Hostel" is a deeply disturbing horror movie that's directed by Eli Roth, and showcases scenes of absolute sadism, torture, and horror. In the film, friends Josh (Derek Richardson) and Paxton (Jay Her...
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Akrim found address of the filming location Roadtrip of the Movie At Eternity's Gate.
Akrim found address of the filming location Brother's house of the Movie At Eternity's Gate.
Akrim found address of the filming location Outside of the Movie At Eternity's Gate.
Akrim found address of the filming location Chapel of the Movie At Eternity's Gate.
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